
Alexander Kashamov is an expert in the field of access to information and government transparency, protection of classified information, personal data protection, freedom of expression, human rights, protection against discrimination, anti-corruption, conflicts of interest prevention, administrative reform, justice and public order.

For the past 24 years he has worked as an expert for the Access to Information Program (AIP), the Council of Europe, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the United States Agency for International Development, the Open Society Justice Initiative, European Commission PHARE, TAIEX and IPA projects, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Friedrich Erbert ”, AccessInfo Europe, GTZ & Planet, Nicolaas Witsen Foundation and others.

He has consulted the government and/ or other public bodies in Bulgaria, Montenegro, North Macedonia and others. In October 2012, at the invitation of Global Integrity, he participated as an international expert in advising representatives of over 10 European governments at an international meeting held in Croatia, Dubrovnik, within the OGP Networking Mechanism session on Access, Second OGP European Outreach and Support Meeting. He is a member of the Advisory Council of the global ranking of access laws.

1. Access to information, 24 years with AIP

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2. The Republic of Montenegro, 2005 - 2016, ОSСЕ expert
Consulting government bodies
TV interview 
Training public administration

3. Anti-corruption, 2006-2008, PHARE project in Bulgaria

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4. Access to information and anti-corruption, 2019-2021, IPA project North Macedonia

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