Access to information
Alexander Kashumov has been working for the Access to Information Program Foundation (AIP) since 1997, and since 2002 has been appointed as head of AIP legal team. AIP is the oldest non-governmental organization in Eastern Europe working in the field of access to government held information.
He has prepared dozens of opinions and comments on draft laws and secondary legislation and under his supervision the AIP legal team have represented more than 500 access to information court cases and provided legal advise to more than 4500 individuals and organisations.
He presented positions of AIP in parliament and various ministries, has thousands of contributions in the media, author and co-author of hundreds of articles, comments and analyzes in Bulgarian and English.
Author and co-author of five books published by AIP on the case- law under the transparency laws. Involved in training of thousands of public officials and state servants, magistrates, journalists and NGOs, lecturer and presenter of hundreds of forums in Bulgaria, Europe, North and South America, Asia.
See more on the website of the Access to Information Programme